I am beginning to suspect that there is a problem within your installation of Hyper-V. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, there's a bunch of folk my wife calls her 'purchasing power'. I should point out that it always handy to have a notepad and pen handy to note down any error codes that appear. If there are any problems, these will be displayed along with an error message and an error code. If this VM starts correctly then all should be well and your other VM's should be able to start normally as well. Window appears select 'Start' from the buttons and see what happens. Wait a few minutes, then using the Hyper-V Manager click 'Connect', once the VM Once the installation has completed, stop the VM using the Hyper-V Manager, right click the VM in the Virtual Machines pane and select 'Shutdown' rather than 'Turn Off'. Follow everything it tells you to do - it doesn't normally tell you to run through the streets wearing nothing but your undies :D - and see what happens. Go through the process, I usually grab a coffee and watch the screen like it's a good movie. Just as a quick exercise to check if your ISO is on good order and your installation of Hyper-V Manager is good, create a new VM, but this time use all the defaults, but do not use a virtual switch, and set it to start the VM installation immediately, rather